Starting A New Career in Tech

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

Starting A New Career in Tech

How To Get Into Tech

You might ask, what is Tech? Tech is a short form for technology and technology means the "scientific knowledge of the practical aims of human life and manipulation of the human environment".

I know you might be thinking if it's possible to start a career in tech as a newbie without prior knowledge. Your thoughts might be

  • I'm not an expert in operating computers.

  • I don't have a Computer Science degree.

  • Tech is for geniuses.

  • I need to save a lot of money to be able to have started my career in tech etc.

What if I told you that all these are not necessary

  • You do not need to be an expert in operating computers, with little knowledge of how to operate computers you're good to go.

  • You do not need a Computer Science degree.

  • Tech is not only for geniuses. Once you are committed to learning and with the right tools, you can excel.

  • You do not need to save a lot of money to be able to kickstart your career in tech. Ada Software Engineering Program has made it cheap and affordable, once you have access to a laptop and browsing network.

Here are Steps to Start a Career in Tech

Make a Research

We have major areas in tech, which are;

  • Data Analysis

  • Data Science

  • Web Development

  • Mobile Development

  • Technical Writing

  • UI/UX Design

  • Product Design

You can use your favourite search engine or ask someone in tech (if you have any), to get knowledge on these major roles.

Choose the Area that Befits You

Having researched the roles, you already know what they entail. Choose the role that befits your;

  • Personality

  • Hobby

  • Speciality

  • Past work experiences

Time for Learning

The next important thing to do when you're kick-starting your career in tech is to learn. Like the saying "A Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts with A Step". How you learn is also important, that is why you need a community that will guide you.

Ada Software Engineering Program can take you from zero to hero. The program provides you with;

  • Experienced facilitators

  • Online and physical classes and workshops

  • Personal and collaborative projects which prepare you for the real-life work

  • A community where you have people of like minds which will also speed up your growth

  • Mentors that will guide you

  • Certification for course completion

Stay Consistent and Committed

Joining a community is important but commitment and consistency are paramount. Be committed to learning and take your tasks and projects seriously, these will broaden your horizon. Be consistent and always try to learn something every day. Don't procrastinate.


Starting a career in tech is achievable and possible. Technology is the future and you're starting a career in tech shows that you want to invest in the future. Yes, it may not be easy, but consistency, commitment and joining the right community will help you.